There is a lot of misconception about coconut oil because of its marketing purposes and here we attached the evidence-based studies by researchers.
It has been established that coconut oil is considered a saturated fat because it contains more than 90% of saturated fatty acids. The epidemiologic study suggests that the consumption of high amounts of saturated fat and cholesterol leads to high blood cholesterol (German & Dillard,2004). Due to that, coconut oil has received a bad reputation.
However, in the past few years, clinical studies have been conducted on coconut oil and VCO, and positive outcomes were obtained which might refute those arguments.
Coconut oil is rich in medium-chain triacylglycerol(MCT). An extensive review has been made by Che Man
and Marina (2006) and Marten, Pfeuffer, and Schrezenmeir(2006) on MCT. Having rich in MCT, consumption of coconut oil is associated with an increase in the serum triacylglycerol but the incorporation of structured lipid and other functional substances may improve the lipid profile. A study conducted on regular coconut consumers of Polynesian populations revealed that consumption of coconut was not associated with heart attacks and other forms of cardiovascular disease (Prior, Davidson, Salmond, & Czochanska, 1981). Coconut oil is also rich in lauric acid (Wang & Johnson, 1992)
Studies made on humans living on the Pacific Islands, where coconut oil furnishes 30–60% of calories, have shown nearly nonexistent rates of cardiovascular disease, and the inhabitants were healthy and trim. A 1981 study of populations on several Polynesian atolls, where coconut oil was the chief source of calories, reported both groups exhibited positive vascular health. Positive health benefits are reported to include heart health, promotion of weight loss, support of immune system health, a quick source of energy, healthy skin, and thyroid function.
The high content of SFA raised concerns that it could lead to more atherogenic lipid profiles, and thus, health professionals in the 1980s recommended that coconut oil should not be used. This has changed, however, as it was noted that countries with a high intake of tropical oils had some of the lowest rates of cardiovascular heart disease, and recently, the use of coconut oil has become more popular because of the potential cardiovascular benefits.
Source: S.C.Savva. “Vegetable Oils: Dietary Importance” Reference Module in Food Science Encyclopedia of Food and Health, 2016, Pages 365-372
The positive outcomes from previous clinical studies conducted on coconut oil further enhance its reputation as a highly valuable oil with allots for health benefits. So please ensure select wisely.